Sunday, December 28, 2014

Introduction to shrinking Sheila

So....I started following all of these really cool people on instagram that have all kinds of neat-o weightloss blogs. I tried this whole blogging thing once before and I never kept up with it...However, ive decided to start a new blog and make one of my goals for 2015 to keep up with blogging. I also got a new computer for Christmas, so blogging is now super easy on my laptop that weighs all of two pounds.  My main reason for starting this blog is for accountability. I am currently struggling to get back on track after a week of eating Christmas cookies like their going out of style. I'm also inspired by my BFF at the blog (shes also probably correcting my grammar as she reads this). The purpose of this particular post is to outline my goals for 2015. If you don't know me then here's my story. February of last year I got tired of paying for a Y membership that I never used. I literally woke up one day an decided to start exercising. I realized that I really had no idea how to workout. I bought a few sessions with a Personal Trainer and I've been hooked on working out ever since. Back in February I had no idea that I was 20 pounds away from being 300 pounds. I didn't feel like I was that heavy nor did I feel like I looked that big. Through a weekly workout routine and keeping a food journal to watch what I eat I am down about 60 pounds. I haven put myself on a strict diet, I don't eat fast food or fried food and I try to eat pretty healthy. When I started a new job I started weight watchers through work. I have to say I have mixed feelings about weight watchers. I love the meetings and the people and the accountability. I also love the tips and tricks that I gain from the WW meetings. The leader is great too! However, I feel that WW doesn't teach anybody anything. How is someone supposed to learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Are they supposed to count points for the rest of their life? Anyways...I digress. Weight Watchers is the only formal diet program I have participated in. I count points and attend meetings. I have lost about 20 pounds since October on Weight Watchers. That's my story so far. I've decided this year that resolutions are stupid and nobody ever keeps resolutions, so I am going to make goals this year. Here are my Goals for 2015:

1)  Reach my Goal Weight --> The recommended weight for my height (5'5) is 114-144 I would like to be about 140.  I have around 50 more pounds to go, give or take a few.

2) I want to RUN!! (not walk) the Country Music 1/2 Marathon at the end of April! Running 13.1 miles ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! 

-->Side note: I signed up for a 1/2 marathon training program...My first run is 5 miles Saturday Jan. 3rd. I have only ran past 3.5 miles we'll see f I can make 5 miles.

3) Possibly running the VA Beach 1/2 Marathon. (Depending on if the band Train is the headliner for the after race concert, depends on if I run this one)

So two 1/2 marathons and a goal weight. 2015 its going to be a good year!

*****PS I've lost my weight through kicking butt  & working hard! There is no easy way out! So don't fall for the gimmicks of the it works wraps stuff or the diet plans that want you to choke down 3 protein shakes a day...hard work & lifestyle changes are the only real true way I've found to loose weight & keep it off!***

Here is my before & after: This before picture is from this summer, Ive been loosing weight since feb. of last year so the before picture is about halfway through. & the after picture is a few weeks ago.