Friday, June 19, 2015

New Blog Updates!

I am new to blogging. I am not new to technology, but definitely new to the inner workings and advanced things of all things blogger. I am super excited about the fact that I managed to add social media and email contact buttons to my blog. Doing this requires HTML code. All of this to say, I dabbled in teaching myself some HTML code this week.  Funny story: I have a masters degree in IT...(MBA-IT) this is the first time i've actually used it for something, I have yet to actually use it for career purposes. Go check out my new handy dandy social media and email buttons! (Their pink of course!) TGIF Y'all!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Where i've been

Its been usual...Im still alive! The half marathon didnt kill me!...but nothing new to report, except that im super excited to have my handy dandy little mini computer back! It cost an arm and a leg to get it fixed thanks to some monitor cable inside the guts of the computer... but im super glad to have it back! So on to the stuff thats actually important!

Like I said there's nothing really new to report. Since my last post i've ran a few 5k's. I ran some pretty easy courses (other than the heat), so I had really good times! Im averaging around 30-32 minutes for a 5k! ) I ran a 5k in my hometown and as usual I won my age group (this is not meant to be bragging, this was a really small flat 5k with not a lot of young people).

I am feeling really great! I mean I always feel great but I am feeling on fire! I weighed in the other day and had lost 6 pounds since my previous weigh in! Ive been working my butt off! I went to North Carolina for a wedding back in the middle of May, and let''s just call that week the lost week. That was the first time probably since I started loosing weight that I just didnt care at all what I ate that week! Some of what I ate was beyond my control due to wedding festivities where food was provided, but I made some really bad food choices that week! When I got back I made the mistake of weighing myself! According to my scale at home (which everything I read says scales at home are most likely inaccurate) I had gained 10 lbs! I was so upset with myself! I was so upset with myself that I literally felt guilty about the bad choices that I made that week! But there was nothing that I could do! I made those choices an had to get back on track, get back on the wagon and work hard to get rid of the extra pounds I gained from that week! Looking back I dont regret what I ate that week, but hindsight is 2020. I shouldve balanced out my bad eating. There were opportunities where I controlled what I ate and I should have made better decisions, but I there was no need to beat myself up about it!  So all of that to say I was really thrilled that the scale had shown progress and not that I had gained weight...Those of you that know me know I mustve really been paranoid about the weight gain from NC bc I actually got up early before work and went to the gym..this is unheard for me...but now that ive gotten into that routine and pattern, its not so bad!

Warning Brutally honest paragraph here:

I am not sure the fear of gaining all of my weight back will ever go away. For example, my birthday was the 3rd of June, and I had some amazing family friends take me to dinner at Maggjanos for my birthday. That whole day I was totally freaked out about what I was going to eat and what healthy dish I was going to eat! Finally I just had to let go and loosen up and have a little fun. I made sure to get a run in that day, and I couldve skipped dessert but it was my Birthday! I am so glad that I let go enjoyed myself and ordered what I wanted on the menu and not what I felt like I had to! I felt better and actually enjoyed myself instead of beating myself up about what I ordered (which was the lighter portion fettichini alfredo by the way). Back when I did weight watchers around the holiday, the leader made an excellent point regarding getting off track eating wise around the holidays. While my birthday is not a holiday (Id like to make it one :D), the point still rings true. He said that thanksgiving dinner is 1 meal! Christmas dinner is 1 meal! Meaning dont beat yourself up for not staying on track for eating for 1 meal. I have to do a better job of remembering that it really is just one meal and the next day go back to eating right and exercising to balance out that one meal. I am learning balance! I am learning not to have too many of those just 1 meal moments....

I am LOVING my running group! This is a sub group of the larger group that I trained for the half marathon with. Just because I have completed the race I was training for does not mean that I stop running. I have kept up with my running and I am running 3-4 miles on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with my group. On Mondays I am working out with another running group at a track doing some speed training. The speed training is definitely a challenge! It may be all in my head but I think it really is making me faster and I am starting to see a difference.

Last summer I really got my start running with a group called the Lasty Nasties (get it...I live in Nashville...lasty nasties...) anyways...this group follows the couch to 5k schedule. This is what got me running last year and turned me into a runner! Runners are divided up based on their approximate one mile pace. Last summer I was completely clueless as to how fast my mile was because I had never really done any running before....nor had I ever really kept up with my time for the little bit of running I had actually done. Last summer I ran in the 13-14 minute mile group. This summer I have set a new goal for myself! I joined the 10 1/2 minute mile group! I am so excited! This will definitely be a challenge but I am excited to run a new fast pace.

This is a yearly summer running program put on by the community. At the start of every summer when the program starts, everyone can get measured and get their blood pressure taken. At the start of last summer I was 6 months into loosing weight and had lost a good amount. Today was the kick off for this program and I got measured, weighed, and my BP taken. It was so cool to compare this summers measurements and weight to last summer! In a year I have lost 10 inches in my stomach area! Holy Cow! I googled how many dress sizes is 10 inches. According to google, to loose 1 dress size, you have to loose 1 inch from the bust, waist and hips. 1 inch is equal to 10 to 15 pounds. This makes total sense. Before I started loosing weight I was a size 22. The last time I bought pants I was a size 12. The last dress I bought from Old Navy was a size Large! I have gone down about 4 sizes, From a 22/24 to an 18/20, to a 14/16 and now im in between a 12/14 and  10/12. Really cool random information! Woot Woot!

Thats pretty much it, youre all caught up again...My current weight loss total is 91 pounds!!!! I know this is bad and I really should not reward myself with food...but when I hit the 100 pounds lost mark (soon), I am going to have a cupcake collection cupcake..I know thats an oxy moron....those of you that live in Nashville and have been understand...Those of you that dont live in Nashville...well you'll just have to come see for yourself if you think its worth it!

Stay tuned...hopefully my celebration and sappy post of hitting the goal of 100 pounds lost will be coming soon!