Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Things that Weigh 100 pounds

In honor of reaching the 100 pounds lost mark, I decided to make a fun list of things that weigh 100lbs so that I can compare! (Most of these are not original I have borrowed them from other sites)

Things that weigh 100 pounds:

 A 2 month old horse! 

400 Sticks of Butter

A baby Hippo

A very large pumpkin

100 Pound Hamburger

Doe, a Deer, a Female Deer (are you signing that song yet?)

2 Giant bags of sugar (that's a lot of sugar!)

An Everlast punching bag (Holy cow these things are HEAVY)

And last but not least, things that have lost 100 pounds:


These are my LinkedIn pics, taken almost exactly a year apart! You can really tell the weight loss in my face

 This is my work in progress picture. I still have some work to do, but a few months ago, there's no way I would've been able to fit into this tank top! so that is a definite non-scale victory.

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