Sunday, February 8, 2015

Its been awhile

I have every intention of keeping up with this blog and I've had alot on my mind to write about, but I haven't sat down to the computer in  awhile to actually write it out. maybe I should figure out how to write blog posts from my phone! Anyways...Here's whats happening:

1) I've made the decision to drop weight watchers
2) I've joined a biggest loser game the local running store
3) I ran 7 miles Saturday (Woop Woop)
4) I have new inspiration or should I say Fits-piration
5) VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So bombshell im dropping weight watchers! (Im sure youre shocked (*Sarcasm*))  let me preface this by saying that Weight Watchers does great things and I dont want to down WW, or discourage anyone from joining it. I know there are tons of people who are very successful on WW, but its just not for me. Maybe I am just burned out, (after approx 13 weeks), but I am frustrated with the whole style of weight watchers. I work hard to stay within my allocated "point value" for the day, but it is really unreasonable and virtually impossible to do without dipping into the extra weekly points that Weight Watchers gives people. For Example: Friday I had a Kind Healthy Grains bar for breakfast (Their not incredibly healthy but still much better than a doughnut). This bar is 5pts. Lunch was also pretty healthy. I had low sodium turkey w provolone cheese on a flat out wrap. I had one serving of baked ritz chips to go with my sandwich. Dinner was really great. I had a spinach salad off the salad bar from Ruby Tuesday with very little dressing to start. As my entree I got grilled salmon with Zucchini and Spaghetti squash as my sides. I feel like I ate really well on Friday and I went over my points! It is so frustrating to me that things like Salmon are high in points. Salmon is healthy. It is a lean meat and full of the good fats! I went over my points for the day because I ate!!  Same thing with Saturday!  I had a kind bar before my run (I cant run on an empty stomach, tried it this summer, its not pretty).  then went to brunch with my running group afterwards. I got a yogurt parfait and scrambled eggs. 2 eggs scrambled were 6 points! Why in the world are scrambled eggs six points! So all of this to say I am so over Weight Watchers! I do not feel that there is enough emphasis on healthy eating and real food. There is very little education on how to keep weight off and continue a healthy lifestyle after you stop counting points. I was also reading a blog the other day about a woman who dropped weight watchers for reasons very similar to mine. She made  a really good point that I had't thought of. The goal of weight watchers is to reach your goal weight or "lifetime weight." The point the blog I was reading made was why in the world would you want to reach lifetime weight and become a lifetime member. While its great that you reach your healthy weight goal why in the world would you want to track points the rest of your life! I am over having an assigned point value everyday. I really enjoyed the meetings that I went to. I enjoyed the accountability from my coworkers, but I really felt pressure and anxiety and nervousness stepping on the scale every week. So all of that to say ive decided to drop weight watchers. I lost weight without it and I will continue to do so. To track my food I think I will just go back to the beginning of when I first started loosing weight. I am going to go back to tracking my food in a journal with pen and paper.

Weight Watchers rant over....

Last summer the local Fleet Feet store (the local running store) started their own version of biggest loser, they called it Ton of fun. I absolutely loved it! It was a weekly weigh in, but it also included cooking classes at whole foods & group workouts at a gym. I was so successful with this and I loved it. I also picked up some pretty sweet loot for loosing weight too. I am so excited that they are doing Ton of Fun again. It is even better this time around because participants get a six week free gym membership! How cool is that! So more on this later, while this is a weekly weigh in type of thing, there is much less pressure to loose every week. Their goal is for everyone to get healthy not necessarily loose weight every week.

At the ton of fun kickoff party Saturday the guest speaker was Hannah Curlee from Season 11 of biggest loser. I have never really kept up with biggest loser, other than an episode here and there, so I had no idea who she was. She was so inspirational and so real. She looks so healthy and shes not stick thin either! Can I be her when I grow up please? There was so much interesting information in her talk. Things that blew my mind, and advice that I will use:
              1) Spend money on organic/grass fed beef & cage free eggs. I had no idea that the hormones                    in our meat are causing young girls to hit puberty 5 years earlier! (Holy Cow)
               2) There was a Q& A session where the audience got to ask questions. I got to ask what to                       this day does Hannah still avoid or cut out. Her answer was that she tries to stay away                          as much as possible from processed food and refined sugars and carbs (Such as white                          bread and white rice).
              3) The best thing: Jillian Miachels has days where she feels fat! 

Hannah and her sister (who won that season of biggest loser) have a website, a blog, and a youtube channel. They are super cool! 

Last thing to wrap up this long ( as usual) blog post. Saturday I kicked butt! It wasn't easy but I ran the hills of Percy Warner Park. I didn't kick butt as much as I would've liked. I had a goal of not walking any of the hills, but that just wasn't possible. If you dont know what Percy Warner Park is its this park here in Nashville with these running trails of nothing but curvy winding hills. Some of these hills are literally a mile long! I knocked out 7 miles on these nasty hills! That is a HUGE non scale victory! Can't believe its already February! Country Music 1/2 marathon (The race im training for) is at the end of April & were about to hit mid February! Woah!! 

Last but certainly not least! VACATION!!! WOOOOO Cruise time is officially here! Hello Sun and Fun and days away from the office!  If for some reason you're reading this and you dont know me, I am a huge fan of the band Train. I have no idea how or why it started..but I love them so much that I am going on their cruise! I cannot wait to recreate some pictures on the boat for some pretty sweet before and after pics #weightlossgirlproblems . Last year I did really well and didnt really go off the rails in regards to eating. My plan is to do the same this year. I weigh in monthly at the gym, this month I didnt loose as much weight as I would have liked to. So while im still not going to deprive myself of anything (I mean hello im on vacation), I am still going to keep in mind that I have worked super hard to get where I am and I dont want to come back from the cruise weighing 10 pounds heavier.

Thanks for reading!

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