Sunday, March 15, 2015

Lots to Catch up on!

Im back with lots to tell you & a lot of non scale victories! First things  first: its been awhile..Why? because my brand new computer that I got for Christmas inspired me to start blogging...died an early death...and its incredibly hard to blog from my iphone...I was the recipient of a brand new Samsung Tablet (thanks mom!). I attempted to blog on that...its super cool...but the number of typos however...not so cool...So thats why this post will be so long...because we have lots to discuss! Im currently at my moms house in ATL so im using her dinosaur of a computer (literally this computer was my HS grad present 10 years go...) So on to more important things.

Currently I feel like I am rocking an rolling! I haven't officially dropped weight watchers, but I have stopped tracking points. I am still going to meetings and weighing in every week. I really love the meetings. I get so many good ideas from the meetings and the accountability is great!

Ive had so many non scale victories recently that I am on a NSV high! The NSV's are why I feel like ive been rocking and rolling with my weighloss lately...even if the numbers on the scale haven't shown drastic improvement lately! So here at my Non-scale victories, so I woudnt forget them when I could finally blog again..Ive been keeping a list on my phone!:

1) This is random..but ive really started to like red pepper lately! Why I have no idea...I really wish I could like red pepper with hummus...but it just hasn't happened.....Anyways...I've been eating red pepper on all my salads lately & i'm loving the flavor and color it adds to everything! Not quite sure why I was a red pepper hater before!

2) Last Saturday I ran 8 miles! Thats the farthest ive ever ran! Not only did I run 8 miles but I didnt feel like I was dying at any point in that 8 miles! I dont know what it is but there is something energizing about the downtown Nashville route we ran! Which is a good thing that I think its energizing because that route was part of the half marathon race course! I really felt like I crushed those 8 miles!

3)  I deserve a medal for this one! I found out last weekend that I have really awesome neighbors! They came over to cut down the tree that had fallen on my garage while I was on vacation. So as a way to say thank you I made them cookies! I really hope the cookies tasted good because I did not sample a single cookie! I didn't even have a piece of cookie dough! This is a huge non scale victory for me! That takes an incredible amount of will power! I'm totally patting myself on the back for that one!

5)  I ate a salad at a Mexican place here at home this weekend (Called Willy' wish they had a willy's in Nashville!)..& i had a really great salad and it had roasted red pepper on it! Wait a minute...did I just say I got a salad at the Mexican restaurant...yes...and it was amazing! I didn't even need any salad dressing a combination of the pico and the guac made enough of a dressing I didn't have to add anything...This isn't the first time i've gotten a salad at the Mexican place recently either! I dont know why im on a salad kick lately, but theres just something about a good taco (w/o the fried shell) salad that's refreshing!

6) I am in love with meal planning..I bought a groupon for emeals and signed up for one of their plans. Emeals sends me a list of recipes and a grocery list every Wednesday. So far my two favorite meals have been the Crockpot Pork with apples & sauerkraut, and the crockpot Lamb Shanks with tomato sauce..I'm pretty much in love with having pre-panned meals...and my crockpot, these meals make enough for two so I always have leftovers for the next day which is so handy!

7)  I saved the best for last! Guess what size I am...Drumroll please.........I went into old navy last night and tried on jeans for the first time in awhile..and guess what...I bought two pairs of size 12 jeans..SIZE 12!!!!!!! I have never ever in my life (ok maybe when I was a kid) Been a Size 12! A little over a year ago when I started working out and changing my eating habits I was a size 22! I cannot believe I am a size 12! I have been thinking for awhile that I was down to a 14/16 and I was super pumped about that! but realizing i'm a size makes all my frustrations about life (like why is food at whole foods so expensive..). Im not done yet I would still like to loose about 40 more pounds to be at the recommended weight for my height, but this is HUGE Progress and a HUGE Non scale Victory!! WOOT WOOT!! Before and after pic below.

8) I forgot about this I guess the other one is really the one im most excited about but this one is awesome too. I ran a St Patty's day 5k with my mom this weekend. It was a small race with not a lot of people..especially not a lot of young people. But I totally won my age group! First time ive ever won anything in my life! (now there were probably only 3 people in my age group...but it still counts!). It was pretty awesome to get this cute little shiny medal just for running 3 miles! Me with my medal and really cute "kiss me im a runner shirt" & st pattys day headband are below, its the other part of the before & After pic.

So the left was Feb. 2014 & the right was yesterday 03/14/15! (Pi Day!)

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