Monday, April 27, 2015

13.1 Done

Im still alive!! I survived!! 13.1 Miles done! I officially completed the St. Jude Country Music Half Marathon with a time of 2 hours and 38 minutes. Ideally I would've like my time to be a flat even 2:30 (Im OCD like that..I like even numbers), but i'll take 2:38 because those hills were hard! I am so glad that the rain held off! Thank you Jesus! It would not have been fun to run that race in the pouring rain! Yesterday (The day after the 1/2) while sitting on the couch doing nothing ( a well deserved do nothing day I might add!), I came across this quote while looking for picture frames to frame my medal & finisher photo. "She believed she could, so she did." That quote totally sums up my 1/2 marathon. I believed I could do it, so I did! Woot Woot! Pictures below...not sure why my mom decided she wanted to snap 10 million pictures in front of the porta potties...but oh least there is photo evidence that I finished!


Showing off my medal!! (Its heavy!)

Mom & Me (I have no idea how to rotate this picture)

Picture taken by my best friend ( sure she asked me if I was still alive...

So excited to see my BFF at the finish line! This was my reaction when I saw her at the finish!

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