Monday, April 6, 2015

Almost 1/2 Time & Recent Before & After

Today is the day after Easter. Easter was great! But my healthy eating went out the window this weekend! Its Easter tradition that I always go over to my Best Friends & Aunt & Uncles house. They put on a remarkable spread that looks and tastes amazing! I had a little bit of everything! The Mac and Cheese & Sweet potato casserole are to die for! I really enjoyed the food & fellowship with these people are my Nashville family! Unfortunately I paid for that food on the scale today. I weighed in at my weekly Monday weigh-in for Fleet Feet's Ton of Fun (their version of biggest loser). I gained almost 3 pounds :( I wouldn't trade that Easter meal for anything! Good news is today is a new day & I am getting back on track!

There are 2 weeks until Country Music 1/2 marathon! AHHH!!! There are only 2 more Saturday runs until Race day!! I ran 9 miles with my group this week & I feel pretty good about it. The 9 miles were hard, and I was worn out afterwards, but I am learning that I need to slow down & pace myself so I can actually finish the race. This weekend we are doing 10 miles! 10 seems like nothing after the 14 we did 2 weeks ago!  I found my Couch to 5k shirt from this summer. Its crazy to think that almost a year ago I could hardly run for 8 minutes without thinking I was going to die! Now I have a 10 1/2 - 11 1/2 minute mile! Craziness!!

Yesterday was Easter! He's Risen! He has risen indeed! So its tradition to take Easter pictures at church on Easter Sunday. Here is a before and after. At this point last year I had already lost a decent amount of weight, but was (and still am) a work in progress! Sorry for all the before & After pics lately, but this is the way I judge my progress.

Current weight loss total: 84 Pounds!! Woot Woot!!

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